Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Coming to an end

Well another Christmas has come to an end and we have embarked upon a new calendar year. Right now, things are really uncertain, as I don't know where my next cheque is coming from and my bank account seems to be going downwards rather than going in a direction that I would rather it go. But I suppose there is reason for optimism, as it seems that I could possibly be getting a job at UBC sometime soon, hopefully in the next month or two. In the meantime, I don't know what I am going to do, but I guess the only thing that I should be doing is to be looking for a job, anything to keep the money coming in. Its frustrating not knowing when I am going to be working for a paycheque next and if an employer asks me why I want a job with them, I don't really know how to answer other than by telling them I need something to do while I look for a library job, which seems to turn them off and not hire me. I suppose I can tell a bit of a fib and just tell them something they would like to hear. But honestly I don't know what to tell them. I'll find a way.

Later :) I'll post photos of my trip to Whitehorse in my next posting.

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